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Experience Change

What we offer


Create a marketing campaign

The University of Edinburgh Marketing and Advertising Society is a not-for-profit marketing consultancy. We strive to give businesses in or around Edinburgh premium marketing services.

"Marketing's job is never done. It's about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day."


-Beth Comstock, Former Chief Marketing Officer and Vice Chair, General Electric



Why Us?

Why us
Future Leaders

Our consultants who will be working with your business are all future leaders. They are ambitious and creative individuals who see opportunity in the world around them.

Fresh Insight

The 21st century has brought new challenges to the world of business. It is found that without an online presence, an organization is automatically placed at an extreme disadvantage in comparison to its competitors. Our team of young leaders are well informed on new marketing practices and can give you immense success digitally.


Members of our team originate from all over the world. As such, we have a unique insight into the world around us, in addition to a relevant skill set. We believe that this is advantageous as it allows us to address problems with a variety of perspectives.


When we receive a project, our members collaborate to find effective solutions. This ensures that you receive a well thought out plan, and work with a team who are dedicated to your brand. 

How it Works

After presenting us with your needs, business students will work hard on developing an action plan. You will then have the opportunity to listen to a presentation from our members. 

Get In Touch

Thank you for your interest in the EUMAS! If you have any questions about what we can do for you, please feel free to contact us via the email below. 


How it Works
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